Kit Discount on multiple items

Kit Discount on multiple items

Mix-N-Match Kit Special buy 2+ Kits get 7.510% off, Buy 4+ get 15% off

  • Show Special Price $89.00 good to end of October 2018 regular List price is $99.95

Designed for the Eyecare professional so you have a wide selection of parts so you can fix a frame correctly and quickly.  No need to look through several small trays. the kit contains 18 vials each with 40 pieces.  We included Spring hinge screws, Self-Tapping screws, hinge screws nose pads screws hex nuts, washers and bushings. Thread sizes range from 1.0mm to 1.5mm. 

    Master Screw Fastener Kit #K1040

    Tabco Optical

    Special Price $89.00 compared to List price is $99.95  Great Value! Designed for the Eyecare professional so you have a wide selection of parts so you can fix a frame correctly and quickly.  No need to look through several small trays. the kit...
  • Our Drill and Tap Kit contains 22 pieces including Pin vises,  drills and taps.  Contains two Pin vises for gripping the drill bits and taps.  Taps two each of the following sizes M1.2, M1.3, M1,4, M1.5, and M1.6 and two drills bits for each tap size.

    Drill and Tap Kit #K1050

    Tabco Optical

    Picture is not current, This kit includes our new Pin Vise #TS302 to see a picture see item #TS302 22-piece kit containing a broad range of Pin vises, drills, and taps.  Contains two Pin vises for gripping the drill bits and taps.  Taps two...
  • This Kit contains 408 pairs 16 distinct Nose Pads  Traditional to Specialty nose pads. 
#NP634 Oval 13mm Silicone Screw-On Mount 75 pairs 
#NP638 Oval 13mm Silicone Push-On Mount 50 pairs 
#NP633 Oval 15mm Silicone Screw-On Mount 25 pairs
 #NP636 Oval 15mm Silicone Push-On Mount 25 pairs 
#NP639 Tear-drop 17mm Silicone Screw-On Mount 25 pairs 
#NP637 Tear-drop 17mm Silicone Push-On Mount 25 pairs 
#NP635 Tear-drop 15mm Silicone Screw-On Mount 25 pairs 
#NP632 Tear-drop 1mm Silicone Push-On Mount 25 pairs 
#NP701 Round 9mm Silicone Screw-On Mount 25 pairs 
#NP702 Round  9mm Silicone Push-On Mount 25 pairs 
#NP622 D Shape 15mm Silicone Screw-On Mount 25 pairs (Left & Right separate bags)
#NP623 D Shape 15mm Silicone Push-On Mount 25 pairs (Left & Right separate bags)
       Specialty Nose Pads 
 #NP698 Rectangle 11 x 6mm solid Silicone System 3 mount 10 pairs 
 #NP510 Tear-Drop Air Pillow 13mm Screw-On solid silicone 10 pairs 

#NP5140 Tear-Drop Air Pillow 14.5mm Screw-On solid silicone 10 pairs 

#NP440 Softwing Large 17mm two hole screw mount Silicone 3 count 
K2040 Kit label

    Master Nose pad Kit #K2040

    Tabco Optical

      This Kit contains 408 pairs 16 distinct Nose Pads  Traditional to Specialty nose pads.  #NP634 Oval 13mm Silicone Screw-On Mount 75 pairs  #NP638 Oval 13mm Silicone Push-On Mount 50 pairs  #NP633 Oval 15mm Silicone...